While Noochy Licious starts working from the moment you take your first cheesy bite...
The real magic happens when you eat it every day!
For people wanting to reduce their cholesterol, using Noochy Licious floods your body with cholesterol fighting Beta-Glucans!
And when you eat it every day, it’s like you’re constantly flushing cholesterol out of your system.
For people who care about lowering their blood pressure and improving their digestive health… Noochy Licious has fiber that nourishes the bacteria in your gut.
This allows your intestines to heal and lets good bacteria flourish when you consistently eat Noochy Licious.
These good bacteria can help control blood sugar, lower blood pressure ⁵² , and even help prevent you from gaining weight. ⁵³ ⁵⁴
And for people wanting to get lean… Using Noochy Licious consistently will help keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Research also shows fiber rich foods like Noochy Licious can support healthy gut bacteria that may reduce cravings and even prevent weight gain over time.
Heck, you might even find yourself losing weight almost by accident!
Starting out with 2 tablespoons a day in your usual meals is a great way to let your body adapt to this new source of fiber and nutrition.
But if you want a long term solution, making Noochy Licious a part of your daily routine makes the most sense!